
日本語 日本海
英語 Sea of Japan


April 26, 2012, IHO General Assembly decided to maintain the single designation of "Sea of Japan". And, August 6, 2012, No. 10 to return even the Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names was rejected the North and South Korea claim that writing side by side of "East sea".
This "Problem" is just a petty Korean ethnocentrism. To begin with, Nickname is not still definite in Korea. They call "East Sea" , "Sea of Korea", "Sea of Chosun", "Blue Sea", "Far east sea", "Green sea" and "Sea of peace". Does not matter even historical. They on the basis of emotion that disdain for Japan, they just simply want to erase the word of "Japan" in the nickname.
They believes that "Colonial history" is "Abjuration". Therefore, Korea think that there is no problem that to insult against Japan. Then, they on the basis of ethnocentrism, they are going to erase all evidence of their own country were inferior.


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最終更新:2012年08月13日 16:33