
番号 英単語 品詞 出典、その他
1. a.m. 午前 d(3933)
2. abacus そろばん n 5933
3. abalone アワビ n 7817
4. abase 卑しめる cf
5. abash 困らせる bch
6. abduction 拉致、誘拐 bh
7. aberrant 異常な a 7640, c
8. abeyance 中止、保留 c
9. abhorrence 嫌悪 b
10. ably 巧みに、うまく ad 7176
11. abnegate 放棄する c
12. abode 住まい e
13. abominate 嫌う、見下す c
14. abomination 醜態、憎悪 n 7175, bh
15. about-face 回れ右 b
16. abrade すり減らす c
17. abrasively 研磨剤 e
18. abridge 要約する bh
19. abruptly 突然 d(4584), g
20. abscond 姿をくらます c
21. absenteeism 常習的欠勤 g
22. absolve 免除する、言い渡す b
23. abstemious つつましい cfh
24. abstention 棄権、節制 n 7967, h
25. abstruse 難解 cfh
26. abut 隣接する c
27. abysmal ひどい、奈落 c
28. acclimate 順応 cf
29. acclimatization 順応 b
30. accost に近づいて声をかける ce
31. accountancy 会計学、会計 n 4482, d(5926)
32. accreditation 認定 e
33. acerbity 苦味 c
34. acidic 酸性の a 5804
35. acidulous 弱酸性の f
36. acknowledged 認めた a 2190
37. acknowledgement 承認 d(5959)
38. acme 絶頂、アクメ c
39. acne にきび n 4337
40. acquiesce 黙認 v 7672, bcfh
41. acrimonious 辛辣な ef
42. acrimony とげとげしさ bch
43. acrophobia 高所恐怖症 bh
44. activation 活性化、起動 d(6776)
45. activism 行動主義 n 3906
46. actuate 作動させる f
47. acuity 鋭敏さ、鋭利 c
48. ad 広告 d(2763)
49. adamantly 断固として eg
50. adaptive 適応 a 2790
51. added 追加された d(4217)
52. additionally さらに d(6704)
53. adenoids e
54. adequately 十分に d(4591)
55. adjournment 休会 bgh
56. ado 騒ぎ h
57. adoptive 養子関係の a 5033
58. adroit 巧みな efh
59. adulate 好く c
60. adulation お世辞 bfh
61. adulterate 不義の c
62. adulteration 混入 b
63. adversely 不利に g
64. advert 広告 v 3537
65. aerodynamics 空気力学 e
66. aesthetically 審美的に a 7145
67. affability 愛想の良さ e
68. affecting 影響 a 1754
69. affective 感情の a 6080
70. affliction 苦悩 n 6330, bh
71. affordable 手頃な価格の d(7591)
72. aforementioned 前述の a 4916, e
73. aftereffect 後遺症 h
74. agape 口を開けて f
75. agate 瑪瑙 n 6471
76. agglomeration 凝集 f
77. aggrandize 殖やす c
78. aggrandizement 誇張 bh
79. aggravation 悪化 n 6169, b
80. aghast びっくりして c
81. agility n 4838, bfh
82. agreed 同意して d(4971)
83. AIDS エイズ be
84. airfield 飛行場 d(5874)
85. airing 放送 n 6237
86. airy 風通しの良い a 5551
87. alacrity 乗り気 bch
88. albeit とはいえ d(4190)
89. alchemy 錬金術 n 4989, f
90. algorithm アルゴリズム d(5833)
91. alimony 扶養手当  n 6973, c
92. alist 船が傾いて ad 7797
93. allied 連合国の d(5019)
94. alltime a 7724
95. alluvial 沖積 a 7631
96. almanac h
97. alright 大丈夫 d(3039)
98. altercate c
99. altruistic 利他 cefh
100. alzheimer's disease アルツハイマー病 b
101. amalgamation 合併 b
102. amatory 恋愛の c
103. amazingly 驚くほどに d(7697)
104. ambiance 雰囲気 e
105. ambidextrous 両手利きの c
106. ambience 雰囲気 n 5394, c
107. ambient 周囲の a 2554
108. ambit 範囲 n 7937
109. ambivalence アンビバレンス h
110. ambulatory 歩行の c
111. ameliorate 改善する ef
112. amelioration 改善 bh
113. amenable 従順な c
114. amicable 友好的な a 7860, h
115. amino アミノ d(6549)
116. amino acid アミノ酸 b
117. amnesia 健忘症 n 6138, cfh
118. amok 逆上して ad 7017
119. amoral 道徳心がない c
120. amorous 好色な a 7958, c
121. amorphous アモルファス a 6470, cef
122. amp アンプ d(5603)
123. amphibious 水陸両用 a 6987
124. amplifier アンプ d(7208)
125. amputation 切断 n 7378, bh
126. anabolic a 5277
127. anachronism 時代錯誤 bcf
128. anal アナル d(6923)
129. analgesic 鎮痛剤 c
130. anathema 破門 n 7613, c
131. anemic 貧血の be
132. angrily 怒って d(2793)
133. angst 不安 n 3500
134. animus c
135. annals 年代記 c
136. annihilation 消滅 n 5838, bh
137. annotation 注釈 n 3753
138. annually 毎年 ad 1476, d(4699)
139. anomalous 特異な a 5925
140. anonymity 匿名 n 4880, ce
141. antagonistic 対立する f
142. antediluvian 時代遅れの c
143. anthology アンソロジー b
144. anthropoid 類人猿 c
145. anthropological 人類学的な d(7673)
146. anthropophagous c
147. anticlimax 竜頭蛇尾 b
148. antifreeze 不凍液 b
149. antioxidant 抗酸化物質 b
150. antisepsis 消毒 c
151. anxiously 心配そうに d(6084)
152. apartheid b, d(7737)
153. apathetic be
154. aphorism bc
155. aplomb c
156. apogee f
157. apoplexy b
158. appall be
159. appellate a 4636
160. appellation n 7465, b
161. append v 3708
162. appendage e
163. appointed d(4151)
164. appraisal n 2602, b, d(4881), g
165. apprise bc
166. approbation b
167. appropriately d(5280)
168. approved d(5352)
169. approximation n 3057, b
170. aptly e
171. aquaculture e
172. aquiline f
173. arbiter n 6822, fg
174. arbitrarily g
175. arbitrariness b
176. arbitrate f
177. arbitrator d(7548)
178. arboretum n 6246
179. archaeological d(5594), e
180. Archaeopteryx e
181. archetypal a 7696
182. archetype cf
183. ardor b
184. arguably a 4700, d(6388)
185. armada c
186. arrear f
187. arse n 5681
188. artifact cef
189. artistry g
190. artless b
191. artsy a 7835
192. artwork d(7895)
193. arty a 7086
194. ascension n 4026
195. ascetic bcf
196. ascribed a 6579
197. aseptic f
198. askew f
199. asperity bc
200. asperse c
201. aspersion b
202. assailant n 7760
203. assemblage n 6005
204. assent v 6100, f
205. asshole d(7389)
206. assiduity b
207. assiduous bcfg
208. assiduously g
209. associated a 413, d(4019)
210. assort b
211. assuage bcef
212. asterisk c
213. asthmatic e
214. astral f
215. astrology bf
216. asymmetric f
217. atheistic c
218. atonement b
219. atrocious a 7630, c
220. atrophy cf
221. attached a 469
222. attacker d(5307)
223. attribution n 4605
224. atypical a 6148, cf
225. auditory b
226. augmentation b
227. augur b
228. augury f
229. august bc
230. aural a 6394
231. aurora f
232. auspice b
233. auspices g
234. authenticate v 5130, cg
235. authentication n 2160
236. authorization n 1819
237. autocracy b
238. autocrat cf
239. automation d(7775)
240. autopsy n 5890
241. availability n 834, d(3746)
242. aver f
243. aves n 7257
244. avian a 6512
245. aviator n 7177
246. avocation c
247. avow c
248. avuncular bc
249. awaken d(7659)
250. awash a 7629
251. awkwardly d(7657)
252. awry bc
253. axiom n 5809, bcf
254. axle c
255. azure cf
256. backbencher h
257. backlog eg
258. backtrack v 7783
259. bacterium e
260. bailout f
261. baleful c
262. ballistic a 5088
263. ballroom n 3812
264. baloney b
265. banal a 7357, bcfh
266. band-aid e
267. bane c
268. banger n 6893
269. barbaric a 7224
270. barman d(7494)
271. barring g
272. basalt e
273. battered a 4885, d(6432)
274. bauble c
275. bawdy bh
276. beautify c
277. beck n 2567
278. bedlam bh
279. bedraggled f
280. beech d(7155)
281. beefy a 7197
282. beeper b
283. befuddle c
284. behest n 7669
285. behoove beh
286. belated c
287. beleaguer bh
288. belittle cefgh
289. bellicose bfh
290. bellicosity bh
291. belligerence bh
292. benediction bh
293. beneficence b
294. berate ce
295. bereave bceh
296. berserk a 7054, bc
297. besmirch c
298. bestial c
299. bestiality n 4915
300. betroth b
301. betrothal b
302. bevy n 7944, ch
303. bewail c
304. bewildered a 6415, d(7124)
305. biblical d(5882), e(B-)
306. bicker cf
307. bidding bg
308. biennial c
309. biggie n 6862
310. binge n 6700, b
311. biochemical d(7563)
312. biodiversity n 3583
313. biosphere f
314. birdie n 6058, d(7691)
315. bisect b
316. blackness d(7583)
317. blah d(7581)
318. blandish c
319. blandishment bfh
320. blare e
321. blarney c
322. blaspheme c
323. blatantly ad 6921
324. blazing d(7952), g
325. blissful a 7113
326. blissfully a 7906
327. blitz h
328. bloat bc
329. blob n 5650
330. blockade d(7596), e
331. blockbuster h
332. blonde d(5204)
333. bloodshed n 6688
334. bloodstream e
335. blotch e
336. bludgeon c
337. blue chip f
338. blurb n 6245
339. blurry g
340. bluster b
341. bob b, d(5649)
342. boldface g
343. boldly d(7757)
344. boll n 7601
345. bombast c
346. bombastic f
347. bombing d(4816)
348. bonnet d(7235)
349. bonnie b
350. boogie v 4138
351. boorish b
352. bourgeoisie d(6657)
353. bourse n 7402
354. bracken n 7036
355. brackish c
356. braggadocio b
357. braggart c
358. braided a 5768
359. brainstorming f
360. brand-new b
361. brawn n 7936, c
362. brawny b
363. breadbasket e
364. breezy a 6437
365. brier n 7712
366. brig n 6287
367. brilliantly d(6857)
368. broach b
369. bronchodilator e
370. brooding a 6909
371. brothel n 7136
372. bucked a 7660
373. bucolic b
374. buffoonery c
375. bulwark bc
376. bumptious b
377. bungle bce
378. bunker d(7487)
379. bunny d(7613)
380. buoyancy n 7035
381. burg n 5040
382. burlesque c
383. buster n 3748
384. busting b
385. buzzword bf
386. bygone a 6821
387. byproduct n 7464
388. bystander be
389. byword b
390. cabal cfh
391. cacography c
392. cacophony bch
393. cadaver n 7859
394. cadre n 4397
395. cajole bh
396. calligraphy n 5660, f
397. callow ce
398. caloric e
399. calumniate bh
400. calumny bcfh
401. camaraderie n 7073, c
402. camellia n 7628
403. cameo n 5235
404. candor bceh
405. canister n 6192
406. cannabis n 5322
407. canned a 3888
408. cannery n 7933
409. cantankerous bch
410. capacious c
411. capsize fh
412. captious bc
413. captivation bh
414. carat f
415. carcinogenic a 7315
416. careen e
417. caricature e
418. carnage n 5849, c
419. carnal a 6278
420. carnivorous a 7639, ef
421. carousal b
422. carpentry n 5674
423. carpool g
424. cartographer c
425. castigate c
426. catalogue d(3345)
427. catalysis c
428. catalytic a 5087
429. catechism b
430. categorically g
431. catfish n 5338
432. catharsis c
433. catnap e
434. causation n 6945
435. causative a 7749
436. cautiously a 5479, d(6007)
437. cavalcade c
438. cease-fire (ceasefire) b, d(5734)(ceasefire)
439. cede v 7638
440. celebrated a 2737
441. celerity c
442. celibacy n 7955
443. celibate bch
444. cellular phone b
445. censorious f
446. centenary a 5317
447. centrally d(6418)
448. centrist h
449. centurion n 6732
450. cerebellum h
451. cerebrum ch
452. certification n 1190
453. certitude b
454. CFC e
455. chafe bh
456. chagrin n 6861, bch
457. chalice n 7463
458. chameleon f
459. changing d(3776)
460. characteristically d(7518)
461. charade n 6260
462. charisma cf
463. chartered a 3618, e
464. chary c
465. chassis f
466. chauvinist ef
467. checkered bf
468. cheerfully d(6559)
469. chicanery bh
470. chieftain n 7401
471. chimerical c
472. china d(3708)
473. chit n 5735
474. chloride n 3944, e
475. cholera d(7759)
476. choleric bch
477. choosy e
478. choppy a 7447
479. choreograph f
480. choreography n 6257
481. chronological a 2468
482. chronologically a 6448
483. chrysanthemum n 7686
484. chulzpah e
485. chunky a 4733
486. churlish c
487. cinch e
488. cinder n 7637
489. cipher n 6286, c
490. circulating a 4845
491. circulatory a 6298
492. circumlocution bfh
493. cirrhosis n 7196
494. cirrus n 6011
495. citrus b
496. civilized d(7844)
497. clairvoyance fh
498. clarification n 2968, d(7183)
499. cleaver n 7314
500. cleft c
501. clemency beh
502. climber d(5340)
503. clime c
504. clique bc
505. cloister c
506. clove n 6092
507. cm d(3656)
508. coagulate fh
509. cobbled a 7830
510. cocky a 7174
511. cocoon n 5135
512. codicil c
513. cog f
514. cogent bch
515. cogitate c
516. cognizance b
517. cognizant bch
518. cohabitation b
519. cohesive e
520. coincident a 7281
521. coincidental a 6757, f
522. coldly d(6705)
523. collaborative a 1811, d(7191)
524. collaborator e
525. collapsible a 7462, g
526. collate v 7483, g
527. collectively d(6805)
528. colossus c
529. combustible fh
530. comely bc
531. coming d(3997)
532. comity bh
533. commensurate a 5948, befgh
534. commercially d(6363)
535. commiserate c
536. commissary n 7782
537. commodious c
538. commons d(4152)
539. commotion n 6685, bce
540. communicable a 6214
541. comparability a 7256, g
542. compatriot bh
543. compendious c
544. compendium n 5101, bch
545. competency n 3853, e
546. competitiveness d(6832)
547. compo n 6041
548. compounded a 5672
549. compunction bh
550. concentric f
551. conch n 7748
552. conciliation n 6801, bf
553. concisely e
554. concluding a 4064
555. concoction n 7966
556. concourse n 7024, b
557. concurrence b
558. concurrent a 2890, c, d(7750)
559. concurrently g
560. concussion n 7195
561. condescension b
562. condo b
563. condole c
564. conducive a 4726, beg
565. conductive f
566. conduit n 3483, f
567. conferment bh
568. confidant n 7711
569. confidently d(6783)
570. configure v 1189
571. confiscation bgh
572. confluent c
573. confrontational n 7303
574. Confucianism b
575. congeal c
576. congenital bf
577. congest b
578. congested g
579. congestive a 6359
580. conglomeration bf
581. congratulation d(6458)
582. congressman d(7296)
583. congruence f
584. congruent c
585. congruity be
586. congruous c
587. conical a 6496
588. conifer f
589. conjugate c
590. conjurer (-or) b
591. connivance b
592. connive c
593. conscientiously a 7820
594. consciously ad 4844, d(6341)
595. conscription b
596. consecration b
597. consequential a 3326, c
598. conservatism d(7154)
599. consistently a 1669, d(3877)
600. consonance f
601. consort n 5767, e
602. constabulary e
603. constancy n 7302, e
604. constrained a 3188
605. constriction b
606. consular g
607. consultancy d(5463)
608. consultative d(6086)
609. contaminated a 2925
610. contextual d(7490)
611. contiguous a 4056, b
612. continued d(3792)
613. continuing d(4744)
614. contort c
615. contortion b
616. contra n 1970
617. contraband f
618. contractual a 2913, d(5516)
619. contravention n 6699
620. contrite cef
621. contrivance b
622. controlled d(4792)
623. controvert f
624. contuse c
625. conveniently d(6417)
626. conventionally a 6960
627. conversant e
628. convivial bc
629. convoke b
630. convolute c
631. convulse e
632. coolly d(7577)
633. coordinator d(7093)
634. coquette c
635. cordially g
636. corp. d(3241)
637. corpulence b
638. corpulent c
639. corral n 5510
640. correlate v 4860, c
641. correspondingly d(7848), g
642. corrosion n 3487
643. corrugated f
644. costing n 3353
645. counterbid e
646. countermand c
647. countermeasure ef
648. counterpoint n 6630
649. countersign g
650. countersignature g
651. countess n 5947, d(7725)
652. coupling n 2759
653. courtly b
654. covetous e
655. crabbed c
656. cranium n 7659
657. cranky a 6163
658. crashing a 3880
659. crass a 7355, bc
660. craving n 5756
661. credence n 6722
662. credential b, d(7678), e
663. credo n 5100, f
664. credulity b
665. credulous e
666. crescendo f
667. critically d(6541)
668. critter n 6511
669. crock n 6319
670. crone n 7759
671. cropped a 5620
672. crotch n 4327
673. crucible n 6447
674. crucifix n 7331
675. crud n 7796
676. crunchy a 6533
677. crusty a 6833
678. cubicle n 6800, f
679. cuddly a 6698
680. culminating g
681. culpable a 7461, bcf
682. culturally a 4390, d(7852)
683. cultured a 4809
684. cupidity bcf
685. curmudgeon c
686. currant n 7838
687. cursive c
688. curtailment b
689. curtly e
690. custodial a 5517
691. cyberporn e
692. cyclical a 5903
693. cyst n 6879
694. dais n 7905, f
695. dale n 1492, d(5816)
696. damaging d(5430)
697. dampen v 7261
698. dampness g
699. damsel n 7819
700. dangerously d(6577)
701. dank a 5775
702. darkroom f
703. dawdle bceh
704. dazzling a 5122, b, d(7918)
705. de facto b
706. deaden h
707. deadlock cgh
708. deadpan c
709. debauch c
710. debauchery bh
711. debilitation b
712. debrief e
713. debunk e
714. decadent a 6482, c
715. decapitate c
716. decelerate f
717. deceleration n 7446
718. deceptively a 6908
719. deciduous a 6427
720. decipherment b
721. decode e
722. decompose bch
723. decomposition fh
724. decorous beh
725. decrepitude bh
726. decry v 7994, bcfh
727. decrypt v 6607
728. deductible g
729. defame ch
730. deferential e
731. deferment bh
732. defile c
733. defilement bh
734. defraud v 7497
735. defray v 6799
736. defrayment b
737. defuse be
738. dehydrate bh
739. dehydration n 5946, e
740. deify bch
741. deign b
742. deject bh
743. dejection h
744. delectable a 7194, c
745. deleterious a 7173, c
746. deletion b
747. deliberation n 6368, bg
748. delightfully ad 5446
749. delineate v 6545, cf
750. delusion n 6439, e
751. delusive bh
752. demagog(ue) c
753. demean c
754. demographics g
755. demote beh
756. denigrate c
757. denizen c
758. denominator n 4927
759. denotation c
760. denouement c
761. densely ad 5993
762. departmental d(5441)
763. dependable a 3677
764. depending d(4229)
765. depiction n 4599
766. deployment n 1839, d(6618)
767. deportment bh
768. deprave c
769. depravity bfh
770. deprecate bc
771. depreciate cfgh
772. depreciation beg
773. deputation b
774. derail b
775. deranged a 6944
776. derangement bh
777. deregulate b
778. deregulation n 5091, d(7392)
779. dermal a 7245
780. dermatitis n 5992, h
781. dermatology e
782. derogate c
783. descant c
784. desecrate c
785. desecration b
786. deservedly a 7758
787. desiccate c
788. desiccation bh
789. desired d(4944)
790. desist v 6745
791. desolation b
792. despicable a 7318, e
793. despond c
794. despondency b
795. despot bcf
796. destine b, d(5707)
797. desultory bch
798. detectable a 5224
799. determinant e
800. detestation b
801. detonate e
802. detonation n 6755, b
803. detox n 6426
804. detritus n 7812
805. deuce c
806. devastation n 5465, b
807. deviation n 2581, b, d(5625), e
808. dexterous efh
809. diabolical c
810. diagnostic a 1586, d(6036)
811. dialysis n 5184
812. diaphanous c
813. diatribe ce
814. didactic a 6720, bc
815. differentiation d(5252)
816. diffidence b
817. diffusion n 2281, b
818. digger n 5511
819. dignified d(7592)
820. dignitary g
821. digress v 7193
822. digression bf
823. dilapidate c
824. dilapidation b
825. dilation b
826. dilatory b
827. dilettante c
828. diligently ad 5183
829. diminished a 4057
830. diminution n 6788, bc
831. dimmer n 6206
832. dint f
833. diocese d(6449)
834. directional a 3285
835. dirge c
836. disarming e
837. disarray n 7337, bc
838. disavow c
839. disburse c
840. disbursement n 5619
841. disc d(3520), f
842. disclaim cg
843. disclaimer n 910, g
844. disconcert bc
845. disconnected a 3979
846. disconsolate c
847. discordant bf
848. discrepant c
849. discriminatory a 4374
850. discursive a 7856, c
851. discus n 5011
852. disembark g
853. disembarkation g
854. disengage v 7787
855. disgruntle c
856. disinclination f
857. disincline c
858. dislocation n 7034
859. dismissive a 7945
860. disparaging e
861. dispassionate cf
862. dispatcher g
863. dispensable e
864. dispenser n 5445
865. dispersal n 6598
866. dispersion b
867. dispirit c
868. disprove v 7612
869. disputatious f
870. dissemination c, d(7987), e
871. disservice n 7694
872. dissipated a 7222, e
873. dissuade v 7514, e
874. dissuasion b
875. distasteful a 7513
876. distend cef
877. distillation n 6667
878. distillery n 7611
879. distrait c
880. distributed d(5428)
881. dither b
882. ditto e
883. diversification n 4529
884. diverting a 6852
885. divest v 7867, ce
886. divisive a 7431
887. doable g
888. dodgy a 7184
889. doggedly ad 7834
890. dole d(6819), e
891. doleful b
892. dominatrix n 6649
893. domineer c
894. doomed a 4834
895. dork n 7053
896. dorsal a 6137, f
897. dosage e
898. dote e
899. double-edged b
900. double-faced b
901. doubly d(7845)
902. doughty a 7627
903. downside e
904. downsize b
905. downtrend e
906. drafty e
907. drainage n 2725, d(5731)
908. dramatically a 2300, d(3961)
909. drastically d(7436), g
910. dreg(s) b
911. dross c
912. duodenal d(6294)
913. dupe be
914. duplex a 3247, g
915. duplication n 2840, d(7978), g
916. duplicity bcf
917. durability n 3451
918. duress n 7528, b
919. dutifully a 7747
920. dysfunction n 3744
921. e.g. d(3139)
922. earl d(3635)
923. earmark beg
924. earthenware b
925. earthy fh
926. ebullient c
927. echelon e
928. ecumenical a 6225
929. eczema n 6392
930. ed. d(5240)
931. edgy a 6972, g
932. edict n 6079
933. edification n 7980
934. effectiveness d(3696)
935. effectual c
936. effeminate c
937. efficiently d(4689)
938. effigy beh
939. effrontery bh
940. effusive e
941. egoism f
942. egregious a 7508, c
943. egress c
944. eh d(3253)
945. elaborately ad 7932
946. elapse bh
947. elate bch
948. elated e
949. eldest d(4851)
950. elected d(3844)
951. elector d(7106)
952. electrocute b
953. electrode n 5204
954. electrolyte n 6847
955. electromagnetic a 3379
956. electronic mail b
957. elegy c
958. elevation d(6780)
959. elide h
960. elitism b
961. elixir e
962. elliptical f
963. elongate e
964. elucidation bh
965. emaciated bf
966. emancipation n 6493, d(7197)
967. embarkation g
968. ember n 6190, c
969. embezzlement n 7723, e
970. embitter c
971. emcee c
972. emend c
973. emerald d(7099)
974. emergent b
975. emerging a 1431
976. eminently a 7280
977. emir n 6098
978. emolument c
979. empathize v 7883
980. emphysema n 7172
981. enamor b
982. encephalitis n 7408
983. encomium c
984. encroachment ef
985. encryption g
986. encumber beh
987. encyclopedic a 7853
988. endlessly d(7635)
989. energize f
990. enervate bfh
991. engraving n 4897
992. engross bef
993. enhanced d(5343)
994. enhancement d(6604)
995. enlightened d(7448)
996. enmesh e
997. ennui bfh
998. enormity n 7826
999. enquiry n 2427
1000. ensconce bch
1001. ensign n 5732
1002. ensuing d(7335), g
1003. entanglement n 7960
1004. entente c
1005. enthrall e
1006. enthusiastically a 5984, d(7257)
1007. enticing b
1008. entirety n 3809
1009. entomology n 5881, f
1010. entrant n 5904, d(6517)
1011. entrapment e
1012. entrepreneur c
1013. entrepreneurial a 4160, d(7586)
1014. enumerate v 7006, fh
1015. environ v 3132
1016. environmentally d(6488)
1017. ephemera n 7052
1018. epidemiologist e
1019. epidermis n 7825
1020. epigram e
1021. epilogue bf
1022. epiphany n 6648
1023. epithet c
1024. equate v 5934
1025. equilibrate c
1026. equine f
1027. equitable a 3637, b, d(6616), fh
1028. equitably e
1029. equivocal bh
1030. equivocate c
1031. errant a 6907, b
1032. erudite bf
1033. erudition e
1034. esophageal d(5488)
1035. especial a 5182
1036. established a 120, d(3563)
1037. estrange bc
1038. estrogen e
1039. estuary n 6189
1040. etc. d(1594)
1041. etcetra d(6968)
1042. ethanol d(7549)
1043. ethnicity n 3284
1044. etymology n 6846, cf
1045. eulogize b
1046. eulogy n 7610, e
1047. euphonious f
1048. euro d(7320)
1049. evanescent bc
1050. evaporation e
1051. exaggerated a 5365
1052. exalted a 5945
1053. exam d(2459)
1054. excavation d(5656)
1055. excessively d(7599)
1056. excrete f
1057. excruciating b
1058. exculpate ce
1059. executioner n 7469
1060. exhume b
1061. exigent c
1062. exiguous c
1063. exonerate ef
1064. exorcist n 7546
1065. expansive a 5583
1066. expatiate c
1067. expected d(3310)
1068. expediency e
1069. expeditiously a 7390
1070. experimentation d(7808)
1071. expiate c
1072. expiration n 2021
1073. expiry n 4632
1074. explicitly d(4325)
1075. exploratory a 5471
1076. exponential a 3765, e
1077. expostulate b
1078. expurgate c
1079. extant a 6256, bc
1080. extensively a 2506, d(5270)
1081. extenuating e
1082. exterminate v 7956
1083. extermination n 6865
1084. extort e
1085. extortion n 6971
1086. extracurricular a 5723
1087. extraneous a 6126, bef
1088. extraordinarily ad 5234, d(6731)
1089. extrapolate e
1090. extraterrestrial b
1091. extravaganza n 5403
1092. extremism n 7267
1093. extrude f
1094. exuberance n 7171, f
1095. failed a 42
1096. fallacious h
1097. fallible bef
1098. fallow c
1099. falsification n 7416
1100. famed a 5259
1101. fanatical bh
1102. fanaticism c
1103. fancier n 7904
1104. far-fetched e
1105. fascia n 6357
1106. fascinated a 4389
1107. fascist d(5244)
1108. fatalism fh
1109. fatally ad 6819
1110. fatten h
1111. fatuous bh
1112. faucet n 5464
1113. faux a 3747
1114. faux pas b
1115. favorably ad 5321
1116. favoritism n 7893
1117. feature-oriented e
1118. feckless c
1119. fecund c
1120. feint f
1121. feisty a 7244
1122. felicitate bh
1123. felicitous bh
1124. felicity e
1125. felony n 4009, bch
1126. fence-mending g
1127. fennel n 6115
1128. feral a 6110, b
1129. fermentation n 5696
1130. fervently e
1131. fetal a 4137, d(7861)
1132. fete cf
1133. fetid c
1134. fetter bc
1135. fettle c
1136. fewer d(3313)
1137. fibrous a 6772
1138. fictitious a 5314, bf
1139. fiercely ad 5649, d(5308)
1140. figment beh
1141. filament e
1142. filch eh
1143. filibuster b
1144. filly n 6958
1145. finale c, d(7917)
1146. finalize n 3869
1147. fine-tune g
1148. firebrand c
1149. firmament n 7858
1150. firmly ad 2443, d(1968)
1151. fishtail e
1152. fiver d(6807)
1153. fixation n 4831
1154. flaccid bh
1155. flagging n 7033
1156. flagrantly e
1157. flaky a 7545
1158. flamboyance bh
1159. flammable gh
1160. flashy g
1161. flatly ad 7112, d(7669)
1162. fleck c
1163. flipper n 7016
1164. flipping a 4627
1165. floe c
1166. floral a 2182
1167. flout e
1168. fluctuation b, d(5217), g
1169. flunk h
1170. fluorescence f
1171. fluster e
1172. foment bc
1173. fondly ad 6342
1174. fondness n 6787
1175. foodstuff e
1176. forbear b
1177. forbearance n 7544
1178. forcibly ad 5670, d(7719)
1179. ford d(5230)
1180. forebode b
1181. foreboding n 7648, e
1182. foregoing a 3083
1183. forerunner n 6430, e
1184. foreword n 3934
1185. forfeiture b
1186. forging n 5086
1187. formally ad 2299, d(3574)
1188. formative a 4803
1189. formulaic a 7880
1190. forthwith ad 6136
1191. fortuitous a 7831, bc
1192. fortune-teller e
1193. forwards d(4187)
1194. fracas bc
1195. fractional a 4159
1196. fractious b
1197. fragmented a 4683
1198. frailty n 7626
1199. franc d(5900)
1200. frantically d(7414)
1201. frazzle e
1202. freaky a 5233
1203. freelancer g
1204. freighter n 6845
1205. frenetic a 7722, cf
1206. frenzied f
1207. fresco f
1208. fridge d(4952)
1209. frisk e
1210. frisky a 7977
1211. fritter c
1212. frivolity f
1213. frugally e
1214. fruition n 6986, c
1215. fulfil v 4572
1216. fulsome b
1217. fumigate f
1218. fundamentalist d(7384)
1219. fundamentally ad 4156, d(5365)
1220. fundraiser g
1221. furiously d(6442)
1222. furnishings d(7463)
1223. furtively f
1224. fuzz n 6696
1225. gable n 5651, d(6358)
1226. gaining n 2631
1227. gainsay bfh
1228. gait n 6532, bh
1229. gallows n 7279
1230. galore ad 4152
1231. gamely c
1232. gamut n 6744, c
1233. garble cfh
1234. gargantuan cf
1235. garret c
1236. garrulous bceh
1237. gastrointestinal d(7051)
1238. gastronomy f
1239. gauche befh
1240. gaudy n 7954, e
1241. gawk n 7584
1242. gel d(5764)
1243. generalized a 3430
1244. genetically d(7942)
1245. geneticist e
1246. genocide bc
1247. gens n 7430
1248. gent n 4790
1249. gentility f
1250. geographic a 1661
1251. geologist n 6614
1252. geometrical a 6162
1253. geothermal e
1254. geriatric a 5644
1255. germane bh
1256. gerontologist e
1257. gerontology h
1258. gestation n 6832
1259. gesticulate bch
1260. getaway n 3846
1261. geyser ef
1262. gibber c
1263. gibe c
1264. gimmick n 7015, h
1265. ginkgo n 6818
1266. gist n 6325, cefh
1267. glade n 5202
1268. gladly ad 3828
1269. glaring a 5774
1270. glazed a 4688
1271. gleaming d(7921)
1272. gleefully a 7794
1273. glitch n 6040, e
1274. glittering d(7451)
1275. glitz n 7721
1276. glob n 6771
1277. glorify v 6629
1278. glower c
1279. gnarl c
1280. goddamn d(3938)
1281. godliness a 7684
1282. gonzo a 5794
1283. goof n 7453
1284. goofy a 5166, b
1285. gore c
1286. gosh d(7692)
1287. Gothic d(4592)
1288. gourd n 7574
1289. gout n 6719
1290. governance n 2149
1291. grail n 5902
1292. grainy a 7573
1293. grandiloquent bc
1294. granny n 2125, d(6965)
1295. granulated f
1296. graphical d(6405)
1297. graphics d(3608)
1298. grassy a 5880
1299. gratefully d(7696)
1300. gratifying e
1301. gratis c
1302. gravely d(7976)
1303. gravitate b
1304. gravitational d(6533)
1305. grazing n 4474
1306. greenery n 6970
1307. grievous a 7101
1308. grimly d(6605)
1309. gripe v 6710
1310. grisly a 7400
1311. grist n 7445
1312. gritty a 5304
1313. grizzly a 5669
1314. grooming n 4336
1315. groovy a 5017
1316. grossly d(7625)
1317. grotto n 7170
1318. grouchy b
1319. ground-up e
1320. growing d(3074)
1321. gruff a 7854, c
1322. grumpy a 6844
1323. grunge n 6324
1324. gubernatorial g
1325. guffaw c
1326. guile n 6276, f
1327. guinea d(6495)
1328. gustatory c
1329. guzzle be
1330. gymnast n 7590
1331. hacking e
1332. haggle beh
1333. halcyon bf
1334. hallow bch
1335. hallucinate bh
1336. hamlet d(6150)
1337. handsomely ad 7365
1338. handtruck g
1339. hanker bh
1340. haphazardly g
1341. harbinger bch
1342. hard-core b
1343. harmonic a 4443
1344. harmonics n 6341
1345. haughtiness fh
1346. hazel n 3513
1347. header d(6196)
1348. headway e
1349. heartfelt a 5223
1350. heathen bh
1351. heft n 7100
1352. heinous a 6786, e
1353. helix n 4275
1354. helluva a 7931
1355. helper d(6319)
1356. helplessly d(7311)
1357. hemline e
1358. hemp n 5232
1359. henceforth ad 5924, d(7951)
1360. herbicide n 6002
1361. herbivorous c
1362. heretofore ad 6318
1363. heterogeneous bcfh
1364. heteronym c
1365. hew f
1366. hibernate f
1367. high-handed b
1368. hilarity c
1369. hindmost f
1370. hireling f
1371. hirsute a 6606
1372. historically ad 2487, d(5685)
1373. histrionic c
1374. hither ad 6709
1375. hives n 6161
1376. hmm d(6386)
1377. ho d(7473)
1378. hoary c
1379. hobo n 7192
1380. hoi polloi b
1381. hokey a 7757
1382. holistic a 3082, b
1383. holographic e
1384. homelessness d(7914)
1385. homicidal b
1386. homily c
1387. hoodlum b
1388. hooker n 4493
1389. hopelessly d(7345)
1390. horribly d(7881)
1391. horrific a 5822, d(7250)
1392. horticulture cf
1393. hospitalization n 5755
1394. hotbed e
1395. hotspot e
1396. hubbub f
1397. hubris c
1398. huckster b
1399. huff v 5731
1400. hugely d(7753)
1401. humidifier v 7527
1402. humongous a 7987
1403. hunk n 5265
1404. hurriedly d(7178)
1405. husbandry n 6576, cf
1406. hushed a 7330
1407. hustler n 4587
1408. hutch n 6391
1409. hydraulic a 2951
1410. hydrocarbon n 5961
1411. hydrophobia bf
1412. hygienic a 7208
1413. hyperopia c
1414. hypnotic b
1415. hypochondriac c
1416. hypothetical a 3523, d(7041)
1417. i.e. d(3215)
1418. ibis f
1419. icicle f
1420. icing n 5797
1421. icky a 7974
1422. iconoclast b
1423. identifier d(6148)
1424. idiocy n 7953
1425. idiosyncrasy bch
1426. idolatry c
1427. ignominious c
1428. illegally d(6912)
1429. illegible bgh
1430. illusory a 7647
1431. immediacy n 7543
1432. immersion n 4522, e
1433. immobility f
1434. immunodeficiency n 6356
1435. immutable a 7255, cfh
1436. impartial a 5102, bef
1437. impartiality n 7341, b
1438. impassively e
1439. impatiently d(6561)
1440. impeccably e
1441. impeding d(7306)
1442. impenetrable a 7380
1443. imperceptibly e
1444. impermeable cf
1445. imperturbable fh
1446. implausible a 7846, cfh
1447. implausibly e
1448. implementation n 474, d(3439)
1449. implicated a 5754
1450. implicitly d(6811)
1451. impost c
1452. imposture c
1453. impoverish bch
1454. impregnable bh
1455. impresario b
1456. impropriety b
1457. improved d(3770)
1458. improvisation n 5717
1459. impudence h
1460. impugn c
1461. impute bh
1462. in-depth e
1463. inane a 7746, bcefh
1464. inanimate ef
1465. inarticulate fh
1466. inbound a 5214
1467. inbred a 7526
1468. incarcerate ce
1469. incarceration b
1470. incarnate a 7254, c
1471. inceptive c
1472. inchoate c
1473. incineration n 7061
1474. incipient a 7895, ce
1475. incision n 6798, e
1476. incisive a 7658, bch
1477. inclement bgh
1478. incognito bh
1479. incontrovertible ch
1480. incorporation d(6903)
1481. increased d(3148)
1482. increasing d(3503)
1483. incredibly d(5651)
1484. increment n 4161, befh
1485. incremental a 3507
1486. incubate e
1487. incubation n 5695
1488. inculcate bh
1489. inculpable b
1490. indebted f
1491. indefatigable c
1492. indentation n 6445
1493. indicative d(6991)
1494. indigent a 7125, bceh
1495. indirectly d(4904)
1496. indiscriminate a 7410
1497. indisputable f
1498. indissoluble cfh
1499. indoctrinate beh
1500. indolence b
1501. indomitable c
1502. ineptly e
1503. inequity f
1504. inextricably ad 7496
1505. infamy n 7745
1506. infantile a 7258, f
1507. infarction n 6367
1508. infatuated e
1509. infernal b
1510. infidelity n 7328
1511. infiltrate fh
1512. infiltration n 5605, beh
1513. infinitesimal a 7917
1514. infinitive d(6030)
1515. infirmary d(7841)
1516. inflated a 5556, f
1517. inflection n 7730
1518. infraction f
1519. infrared rays f
1520. ingenuous be
1521. ingest bh
1522. ingrain b
1523. ingratiate c
1524. inhabited a 5351
1525. inherently d(7390), e
1526. inhospitable e
1527. inimical bcf
1528. inimitable a 7824, bc
1529. iniquitous b
1530. inkling n 7683, cf
1531. innovate v 6581, b
1532. innovative a 573, d(4898), e
1533. inoculate bh
1534. inordinate a 7589, b
1535. inquest d(5329)
1536. inquisition n 6733
1537. insanity n 4304
1538. insemination n 7005
1539. insignia n 5618
1540. insinuation b
1541. insoluble be
1542. inspectorate d(6252)
1543. instinctively d(6433)
1544. insubordinate f
1545. insubstantial e
1546. insularity f
1547. insulator n 6048
1548. insulin d(6267)
1549. insurgence b
1550. insurgency n 7625
1551. insusceptible c
1552. intensely ad 4712, d(6653)
1553. intentionally a 3486
1554. intently d(7371)
1555. interactively g
1556. interagency a 4941
1557. interbreed e
1558. intercede v 7911, e
1559. interdict f
1560. interdiction n 7495
1561. interestingly d(6144)
1562. interject be
1563. interloper c
1564. intermittent a 4609, b, d(7891)
1565. intermittently a 6627
1566. internally d(6507)
1567. internationally d(6095)
1568. internet d(3011)
1569. internment n 7507
1570. interpersonal a 3780
1571. interplay n 4656
1572. interpose b
1573. interrelated a 5938
1574. intersperse b
1575. interstitial a 6942
1576. intimately d(7556)
1577. intimidated a 5694
1578. intimidating g
1579. intimidation b
1580. intoxicate ef
1581. intrinsically e
1582. introvert b
1583. introverted f
1584. intrusive a 5778
1585. intuitively e
1586. invasive e
1587. invective bc
1588. inveigh b
1589. inverse cf
1590. inverted a 4199
1591. inveterate c
1592. invidious c
1593. invigorate ce
1594. inviolable c
1595. invulnerable cf
1596. inwardly ad 6647
1597. iota c
1598. irascible bc
1599. ironically ad 3990, d(4998)
1600. irradiation n 5702
1601. irreconcilable f
1602. irrefutable a 7810
1603. irregularity d(7538)
1604. irremediable f
1605. irreparable a 7111, c
1606. irreparably e
1607. irrepressible cf
1608. irresolute cf
1609. irrespective d(5459)
1610. irreverence f
1611. irreverent a 7032
1612. irreversible a 5504
1613. irritability n 6754
1614. irritant a 6906
1615. issuer n 4724
1616. itchy a 6028
1617. iterate c
1618. iteration n 3947
1619. iterative a 4596
1620. jade c
1621. jaded a 6154
1622. jaundice c
1623. jaunt c
1624. jaunty c
1625. jersey d(7417)
1626. jingo c
1627. jitter v 6057
1628. jocular bh
1629. jointly d(4976)
1630. jubilate c
1631. jubilation e
1632. judgement n 2903
1633. jugglery c
1634. juncture n 6504, e
1635. jurisprudence bf
1636. justified d(5566)
1637. juxtapose c
1638. kaiser c
1639. kaleidoscope b
1640. kiddie n 4631
1641. kinda d(7958)
1642. kinky a 2769
1643. kleptomania bc
1644. km d(4221)
1645. knead f
1646. lab d(5037)
1647. lacerate bh
1648. lachrymose c
1649. lackadaisical c
1650. lackluster ce
1651. laconic bfh
1652. ladle e
1653. laggard c
1654. lagging n 6309
1655. lambaste e
1656. lampoon c
1657. lank bh
1658. lanky a 7781
1659. larceny bc
1660. largess(e) c
1661. largesse e
1662. lascivious bch
1663. lashing n 7377
1664. lass d(7122)
1665. lavender d(7864)
1666. lavishly e
1667. lawfully a 5828
1668. layaway g
1669. layperson g
1670. leakage g
1671. leaky a 6308
1672. leapfrog e
1673. leash n 5730
1674. lechery c
1675. leery a 7864
1676. leeway bef
1677. lefty n 6626
1678. legibly g
1679. legroom g
1680. leprosy n 7494
1681. let's d(3019)
1682. letdown bh
1683. lethargy n 7600, c
1684. letup bh
1685. levity b
1686. lexical d(5036)
1687. lexicographer f
1688. lexicography c
1689. liaise v 7560
1690. liberally ad 7072
1691. libertine n 6254
1692. libra c
1693. libretto c
1694. licentious b
1695. lichen f
1696. lief ad 7668
1697. lifespan d(3942)
1698. limbo b
1699. limestone d(5477)
1700. lingering a 5484, g
1701. linkage n 3620, d(7049)
1702. lionize cfh
1703. liposuction n 7233
1704. liquidation n 4940, g
1705. listlessness be
1706. litany e
1707. livid e
1708. loath a 7327, f
1709. loathing n 6878
1710. locksmith n 7421
1711. locution c
1712. lode n 7099, c
1713. loggerhead b
1714. logically d(6666)
1715. logistic a 5524
1716. longwinded c
1717. looming g
1718. lope f
1719. loquacious be
1720. loudly ad 4293, d(2800)
1721. lucre f
1722. lump-sum g
1723. luscious a 5581
1724. luxuriant bf
1725. lymphocyte d(7862)
1726. ma d(5068)
1727. machination c
1728. maelstrom n 7232, c
1729. magnanimous bh
1730. mahogany d(6764)
1731. maim c
1732. mains d(5592)
1733. maize n 5364
1734. maladroit c
1735. malapropism c
1736. malapropos c
1737. malcontent bc
1738. malevolence bh
1739. malinger c
1740. mall d(7973)
1741. malleable a 7852, c
1742. malnourished e
1743. malnutrition n 6205
1744. malodorous c
1745. malpractice n 4565, gh
1746. managing d(5358)
1747. mandarin n 4216
1748. maniacal f
1749. manifold a 4331, fh
1750. manslaughter d(7005)
1751. manufacturing d(3455)
1752. marginally e
1753. mariner n 5523
1754. markedly d(6233)
1755. marsupial c
1756. martyrdom n 7191
1757. mash v 4872
1758. masquerade n 5443
1759. mastectomy n 7930
1760. masterful a 6646
1761. materially ad 4117
1762. math d(2883)
1763. mating n 4732
1764. matutinal c
1765. maudlin bch
1766. maul n 6817
1767. maven n 7169
1768. mayhem n 4607
1769. measurable a 4232
1770. meddlesome c
1771. medicinal a 4359
1772. mediocrity n 7340
1773. meditative a 7190
1774. megalomaniac bh
1775. melee bch
1776. mellifluous c
1777. memoir d(6391)
1778. memorabilia n 2361
1779. mendacious c
1780. mercantile bh
1781. mercurial fh
1782. meritorious a 7084
1783. mesmerize bceh
1784. messiah d(7432)
1785. metabolic a 4095, d(7898), e
1786. metabolize h
1787. metamorphosis n 6625, h
1788. metaphysics n 6068
1789. mete bh
1790. meteorological g
1791. meteorology n 5083, h
1792. meticulously e
1793. mettle n 7963
1794. mezzanine n 6469
1795. microloan e
1796. microorganism e
1797. microprocessor d(7258)
1798. midfield d(5757)
1799. mien bc
1800. migratory a 5772
1801. mime b
1802. mindful a 5960
1803. miniaturization e
1804. minion n 7743
1805. ministerial d(5139)
1806. minstrel n 7014
1807. minuscule c
1808. mire bef
1809. misanthrope c
1810. misbehave h
1811. miscellany n 6684
1812. misconstrue cfh
1813. miscreant c
1814. misdeed c
1815. miserly bf
1816. misnomer n 7837, c
1817. misogamy c
1818. misogyny c
1819. mistletoe n 7492
1820. misunderstood d(7971)
1821. mm d(5483)
1822. mnemonic c
1823. modicum b
1824. modular d(6753)
1825. modus c
1826. molasses n 6957, f
1827. moldy g
1828. mollify be
1829. molt cf
1830. molten a 6142, cf
1831. mom d(805)
1832. momentarily d(6529)
1833. mondo ad 4568
1834. monitoring d(5442)
1835. monograph n 5416
1836. monolith n 7266, c
1837. monolithic a 6390, b
1838. monstrosity f
1839. moonlit d(6810)
1840. mores b
1841. morgue n 6969
1842. moron n 5836
1843. morph n 6285
1844. mote n 6831, c
1845. mottle c
1846. mottled a 7559
1847. mountainous a 5916
1848. mph d(7500)
1849. mucous a 6785
1850. mucous membrane f
1851. mucus e
1852. multilateral a 4447
1853. multilingual f
1854. multiplex b
1855. multiplicity n 5710
1856. multiregional e
1857. munificent bc
1858. murderous a 6498
1859. musk n 6784
1860. mutable bc
1861. mutilation n 6968
1862. myopia c
1863. myopic f
1864. nadir n 6153, bf
1865. naiveté c
1866. nanny n 5355, d(6633)
1867. nanometer e
1868. nascent a 7293, b
1869. nationally d(5383)
1870. nativity n 5587
1871. nauseate fh
1872. nauseous beh
1873. nautical a 4175, fh
1874. navel n 5915, f
1875. navigable a 6956
1876. nebulous a 7973, bceh
1877. necromancy c
1878. nefarious a 7558, bc
1879. negation f
1880. nemesis c
1881. neologism c
1882. neophyte c
1883. nepotism bc
1884. nerd n 5393
1885. nervously d(5955)
1886. nesting n 4604
1887. nether a 6941
1888. neurology n 3617
1889. newlyweds bh
1890. nexus n 4158
1891. nitrous a 6253
1892. nodal a 6877
1893. noisome c
1894. nom de plume b
1895. nomenclature c
1896. nonchalance b
1897. noncommittal c
1898. noncompliance n 6695
1899. nonentity bc
1900. nostalgic a 5545
1901. notary n 5973, e
1902. notation n 2624, d(6750)
1903. noticeably d(7948)
1904. notification n 1067
1905. notoriety n 7399, e
1906. notoriously d(7066)
1907. nous n 3849
1908. nugget b
1909. nuke f
1910. numerical a 2039, d(6051)
1911. numismatics c
1912. nutritional a 2424, d(7497)
1913. nutter n 7766
1914. oacifism b
1915. obelisk f
1916. obesity eh
1917. objectively d(7954)
1918. obligate v 7557
1919. observable a 5240
1920. observing a 2839
1921. obsessed a 4623, d(7680)
1922. obsidian n 6708
1923. obstreperous c
1924. obstructive a 6323
1925. obtrude bh
1926. obtrusion h
1927. obtuse bh
1928. obtusely e
1929. obverse n 7624
1930. Occident (the) f
1931. occupancy n 2650
1932. oculist bh
1933. odds g
1934. odious a 7922, bch
1935. odyssey cf
1936. oeuvre n 6503
1937. off-the-cuff b
1938. offbeat a 5959
1939. offence d(3080)
1940. officious bh
1941. ogle c
1942. okay d(1135)
1943. old-fangled e
1944. olfaction c
1945. oligarchy c
1946. ominously e
1947. omnipresent a 7636, c
1948. onshore e
1949. opacity n 6843
1950. openness d(7227)
1951. opiate c
1952. opportunism c
1953. opposed d(4372)
1954. opprobrium c
1955. optician b
1956. optics n 2280
1957. optimize g
1958. opulent a 7004, ef
1959. orbital a 4313
1960. ordnance n 5668
1961. organically a 7031
1962. orifice cf
1963. ornithology b
1964. orphanage n 6930
1965. orthography c
1966. os c
1967. osmosis n 6492
1968. ostentation bc
1969. ostracize beh
1970. outage n 5580
1971. outback n 4739
1972. outlandish a 7519
1973. outlying g
1974. outskirts n 5625. d(6512)
1975. outstretched a 6645
1976. overarching a 7030
1977. overcast efg
1978. overdraw e
1979. overindulgent e
1980. overlay v 3871
1981. overpass g
1982. overwhelmingly a 5477, d(6875)
1983. p.m. d(3402)
1984. pacifism ce
1985. palate n 5648, be
1986. paleontologist e
1987. palisade n 7599
1988. palliate bh
1989. pallid beh
1990. palpate c
1991. paltry a 7657, e
1992. panache n 7623, c
1993. pancreas n 5937
1994. pancreatic a 5728
1995. pandemic a 7609
1996. pandemonium bch
1997. panegyric c
1998. pantry n 5621, b
1999. paperwork d(6975)
2000. parabola c
2001. paradoxically d(7314)
2002. paragon n 4983
2003. paralegal n 6436
2004. parallelogram h
2005. parasitic a 5872
2006. pare v 4789
2007. pariah n 7975, ce
2008. parietal c
2009. parked a 3657
2010. parlance n 7823
2011. parley b
2012. paroxysm c
2013. parry c
2014. parsimonious bh
2015. parsimony n 7083, c
2016. participatory g
2017. passionately d(7771)
2018. patently ad 6928, e
2019. paternity n 6731
2020. pathogen n 6307
2021. pathogenic a 6876
2022. pathologist n 6741
2023. pathos f
2024. patina n 7221
2025. patio d(7475)
2026. patrimony c
2027. paucity n 7873, bceh
2028. paving n 4670
2029. peasantry d(6902)
2030. peccable c
2031. peccant c
2032. pecuniary bh
2033. pedagogic fh
2034. pedant c
2035. pediatric a 3246
2036. pediatrician n 6707, g
2037. peeling n 5914
2038. peerless a 6718
2039. pejorative c
2040. pelagic a 7793
2041. penalize v 7789
2042. pendent a 7242
2043. penitent bc
2044. peppy a 7598
2045. perceived d(5817)
2046. perceptible a 7292
2047. perceptive a 7013, f
2048. perceptual a 5932, d(7887)
2049. percussive a 7925
2050. perdition c
2051. perdurable c
2052. peremptory bh
2053. perfidy bh
2054. periodically d(7580)
2055. perjure c
2056. permanently d(4407)
2057. permissible a 4065
2058. permissive a 7418
2059. perpetrator n 6905, e
2060. perpetuity n 7556
2061. perplexed a 6683
2062. perplexing a 7541
2063. perquisite cf
2064. personable c
2065. personify f
2066. perspicacious c
2067. perspicuous c
2068. perspire gh
2069. perturb befh
2070. perversion n 5490
2071. pesky a 6783
2072. pestilence n 7635
2073. pestilent c
2074. petrify bceh
2075. petro a 6355
2076. petrochemical g
2077. philanthropic a 6531
2078. philanthropist bh
2079. philistine c
2080. phlegm c
2081. phobia ch
2082. phosphorous e
2083. photo d(2252)
2084. photogenic b
2085. photosynthesis e
2086. physiological a 3730, d(6402), f
2087. physique n 5267
2088. picky a 6468, e
2089. pictorial a 4509
2090. pied c
2091. pigeonhole e
2092. piling n 6605
2093. pinched a 6244
2094. pinky n 6125
2095. piracy n 4301, g
2096. pirated g
2097. pith c
2098. pittance b
2099. placenta n 6510
2100. plagiarize c
2101. plaid g
2102. planned d(4106)
2103. plasma d(5232)
2104. plated a 3416
2105. platelet d(5504)
2106. platitude bch
2107. plausibility b
2108. plebeian bc
2109. plexus n 7003
2110. pliable a 7710, bef
2111. ploy n 6753, e
2112. plumbing n 2582, d(7874)
2113. pluralism n 6682
2114. podium c
2115. poignancy f
2116. poignantly e
2117. policyholder d(7186)
2118. politely d(5783)
2119. politically d(3827)
2120. polity n 6904, f
2121. pollinate h
2122. polling n 3878
2123. polo d(7450)
2124. polygamy n 7682
2125. polymer d(4715)
2126. populace n 6224
2127. portent bf
2128. portly c
2129. posit e
2130. positional a 5972
2131. posse b
2132. posterior a 3998
2133. postern c
2134. postnatal b
2135. posturing n 7681
2136. potable c
2137. potency n 5812, d(6907)
2138. potion c
2139. potpourri c
2140. potty a 5998
2141. powerfully d(7337)
2142. pp. d(4141)
2143. practicality n 6897
2144. pragmatist f
2145. prance b
2146. prattle c
2147. preamble n 5197, f
2148. preceding a 2054
2149. precipitate v 7102, bh
2150. preclusion e
2151. precondition n 7002
2152. predicable d(5153)
2153. predictor n 5667
2154. predilection bc
2155. predispose ch
2156. predominate v 7540, e
2157. preeminent cf
2158. preemption n 7313
2159. preemptive a 7231, e
2160. preferably a 3101, d(5914)
2161. preferential a 5453
2162. preferred d(5098)
2163. prefix n 2442
2164. premeditate c
2165. prenatal a 4866
2166. preponderate c
2167. prepossess c
2168. presentiment b
2169. presumptive a 7882
2170. presumptuous bce
2171. prevalence n 4130, d(5180)
2172. prevaricate c
2173. pricey a 6830
2174. primacy n 7291
2175. primer n 1582, d(7421)
2176. primeval a 7866, b
2177. priming n 7207
2178. primo a 4884
2179. printed d(4545)
2180. prioritize v 5971
2181. privation b
2182. privatization b, d(4663)
2183. proactive a 3976
2184. probity c
2185. procedural a 3215, d(6085)
2186. processing d(3491)
2187. proclamation n 4886, fg
2188. proclivity bce
2189. procrastination bg
2190. professionally d(6973)
2191. profitability a 3325, d(5640)
2192. profligate c
2193. profuse b
2194. profusely ad 7389, e
2195. progenitor n 7680, bc
2196. progeny n 5463, bc
2197. prognosticate b
2198. programming d(5385)
2199. progressively d(5880)
2200. prohibitive a 6863
2201. proletarian bc
2202. prolix c
2203. prolonged d(5374)
2204. promotional d(6956)
2205. prompting n 5555
2206. promulgate v 7154, bf
2207. prong e
2208. pronouncement n 7907
2209. pronto ad 5931
2210. prophesy e
2211. propitious bc
2212. proposed d(3267)
2213. propulsion n 4895
2214. proselytize c
2215. prostate n 3785
2216. prosthetic a 7001
2217. protean c
2218. protester d(6180)
2219. protract f
2220. protracted a 6666
2221. provenance n 6135
2222. provocation e
2223. prude c
2224. prudence n 5249
2225. prurient a 7491
2226. psychoanalysis d(7275)
2227. psychologically a 6644
2228. psychopathy c
2229. psychosis n 7082, c
2230. puerile c
2231. pugilism c
2232. pulchritude c
2233. pulmonary c
2234. punctilio c
2235. punctilious c
2236. punishable a 6444
2237. puny a 7924, c
2238. pup n 5051
2239. pupa n 7780
2240. purchaser d(3886)
2241. purloin b
2242. purposeful a 6686
2243. putrid b
2244. putter v 6379
2245. pylon n 7848
2246. pylorus d(5027)
2247. pyromania c
2248. quack bf
2249. quadrangle c
2250. quadruped c
2251. qualitative d(6525)
2252. qualm beh
2253. quandary n 7910, e
2254. quantify v 4909
2255. quantitative d(5191)
2256. quarterback d(6933)
2257. quartet d(6349)
2258. querulous b
2259. quibble n 7583
2260. quiescent a 7779
2261. quintessence n 7755
2262. quirky a 6134
2263. quits a 5716
2264. quixotic bc
2265. rabble n 7778
2266. raccoon n 6816
2267. racketeer bh
2268. racketeering e
2269. rackety c
2270. racy a 7414
2271. radial a 4007
2272. radiance n 6275
2273. radically d(5770)
2274. raison d'être b
2275. rambling a 6072
2276. rampage e
2277. ramshackle c
2278. rancid c
2279. randomly d(7755)
2280. randy a 1886
2281. ranking d(6738)
2282. rapacious bch
2283. rarefied c
2284. rationing n 7622
2285. ravenous a 7938, c
2286. ravine n 7301
2287. ravishing a 7407
2288. realistically d(7849)
2289. realtor g
2290. rebut v 7679, eh
2291. recant ce
2292. recap v 3859
2293. recapitulate bceh
2294. receptacle n 6317
2295. reciprocate beh
2296. reciprocity n 6296
2297. reckoning n 6071, e
2298. reclusive e
2299. recognizance b
2300. recondite c
2301. recriminate c
2302. rector d(7133)
2303. recuperative b
2304. redeemable a 7364, g
2305. redevelopment d(7743)
2306. redolent bc
2307. redound c
2308. reek e
2309. referral n 1644, d(5328)
2310. refinance g
2311. refined a 2937, d(6365)
2312. refinery n 5796
2313. refractive a 6443
2314. refractory bh
2315. refrigeration n 4249
2316. refurbishment n 6146
2317. refutation f
2318. regale fh
2319. regalia n 7777
2320. regeneration d(6501)
2321. regress e
2322. regression d(6164)
2323. reify c
2324. reimbursement g
2325. reincarnation n 6694
2326. rejoin d(7152)
2327. relentlessly a 6954
2328. reliability n 1300, d(5711)
2329. remaining d(1988)
2330. remediable f
2331. remedial a 4103
2332. remit v 5693, beh
2333. remotely d(7612)
2334. remuneration beg
2335. renaissance d(4522)
2336. rendering n 2724
2337. renege cfh
2338. renewed d(5207)
2339. renunciation n 7898
2340. reorganization d(4919)
2341. reparable c
2342. repast b
2343. repatriation n 6378
2344. repayment d(4941)
2345. repercussion bcf
2346. repertory n 6596, c
2347. replication n 3639
2348. reprehensible a 7915, bf
2349. reprehensive e
2350. reprisal n 7822, bc
2351. reprise n 5554
2352. reprove bf
2353. repugnant bh
2354. repulsive a 7326
2355. reputable a 4468
2356. required d(4032)
2357. requisition g
2358. residency n 3602
2359. resolutely ad 7539
2360. resonate v 7406, g
2361. respiration n 5218
2362. respirator n 6953
2363. responsiveness f
2364. restive c
2365. restructuring d(5966)
2366. resulting d(4088)
2367. resurge c
2368. resurgence n 6730, g
2369. resurgent bf
2370. retainer n 5944
2371. retaliatory a 7832
2372. retardation n 5328
2373. reticent be
2374. retinue c
2375. retractor g
2376. retrench c
2377. retroactive a 6243, c
2378. retrofit v 6267
2379. retrogradation e
2380. retrograde c
2381. retrogress c
2382. revelry c
2383. reverend a 4092, d(7289)
2384. reverent f
2385. reversion n 7621
2386. revised d(5492)
2387. revitalization n 5871
2388. revolting e
2389. rhetorical a 5851, d(7655)
2390. rhinoceros n 7572
2391. ribald c
2392. richly d(7360)
2393. richness d(7495)
2394. rickety c
2395. righteousness b
2396. rightful a 5323
2397. rigmarole bc
2398. rigorously a 6624
2399. riven a 7959
2400. roadblock e
2401. rococo cf
2402. rote n 4859, c
2403. rotund bc
2404. rotunda n 7397
2405. routinely d(7547)
2406. roux c
2407. ruckus n 7941
2408. rudiment c
2409. ruffian c
2410. ruined a 4183
2411. rum d(7286)
2412. rumple be
2413. running d(3404)
2414. runny a 7582
2415. ruse n 7325
2416. saccharin c
2417. sacrilege c
2418. sacrosanct bch
2419. sagacity bch
2420. saline cfh
2421. salinity n 5808
2422. salivary a 7792
2423. salubrious c
2424. salvo n 6179
2425. sanctify e
2426. sanctimony c
2427. sanguinary bh
2428. sanitation n 4196
2429. sassy a 5803
2430. satiate beh
2431. satin d(7037)
2432. satirical a 7087
2433. satirize e
2434. satisfactorily d(6794)
2435. saturated a 4089, g
2436. saucy a 6523
2437. savant n 7555, b
2438. savoir-faire b
2439. savvy c
2440. scaffold d(7413)
2441. scaffolding n 6604
2442. scaly a 7934
2443. scam h
2444. scamper e
2445. scanner d(7101)
2446. scantily a 7656
2447. scape n 7388
2448. scarecrow d(3087)
2449. scavenge c
2450. scavenger n 6480, f
2451. scented a 4626
2452. schema c
2453. schoolchild d(7608)
2454. scintilla c
2455. scintillate c
2456. scion n 7947
2457. sclerosis n 4461
2458. scribe n 5586
2459. scriptural a 6903
2460. scrotum n 7816
2461. scurrilous c
2462. seasoned g
2463. sec d(6910)
2464. seclusion n 7220
2465. secretion d(5226)
2466. securely ad 2936, d(7818)
2467. sedition c
2468. seduction n 5066
2469. sedulous c
2470. seeding b
2471. seepage n 7729
2472. seer n 7022
2473. segmentation e
2474. seismology n 7940, b
2475. selected d(4536)
2476. selectively a 5384
2477. self-replicating e
2478. semantically e
2479. semantics n 3359
2480. semen n 4506
2481. senescent c
2482. sensuality n 7051
2483. sententious c
2484. sentient c
2485. sequential g
2486. serendipity c
2487. serenely e
2488. serenity n 4231, b
2489. serrate c
2490. serried c
2491. serving d(6483)
2492. servitude n 7278, e
2493. severance n 5292, efg
2494. sexism n 7209
2495. sexually d(4913)
2496. shack n 3706
2497. shag n 6491
2498. shaky a 5557, d(7153), g
2499. shambles n 7720
2500. shank h
2501. shapely a 7776
2502. shard n 7655
2503. shared d(3954)
2504. sharper n 5016
2505. sheik n 6595
2506. shibboleth b
2507. shortfall n 5470
2508. shotgun d(7084)
2509. show-off b
2510. shrinkage n 6875, g
2511. sic d(7478)
2512. side effect b
2513. siding n 4858
2514. significantly a 1200, d(3210)
2515. simile c
2516. simulated f
2517. sinecure b
2518. sinewy f
2519. sinful a 5302
2520. sinus c
2521. siphon e
2522. sizeable a 6594
2523. sketchy g
2524. skew a 6056, e
2525. skimpy a 7124
2526. skinflint c
2527. skit n 6702
2528. skylight g
2529. slacker n 7012
2530. slammer n 7719
2531. slashing a 6522
2532. sleaze n 7708
2533. sleeping d(5004)
2534. sleight n 7989
2535. slink v 7707
2536. slog e
2537. sluggard c
2538. slugger c
2539. slush n 7538
2540. smelter n 7892
2541. smirch c
2542. smoothly d(5015)
2543. smuggling n 5943
2544. snapper n 6114
2545. snappy a 6770, bh
2546. snazzy a 7840
2547. sneaky a 6306
2548. snicker f
2549. snide e
2550. snipe n 7444
2551. snivel c
2552. snot n 7741
2553. snout n 7667
2554. sobriety n 7392, bc
2555. socially d(3987)
2556. societal f
2557. sodomy n 7050
2558. solicitation n 3170
2559. solicitous bh
2560. soliloquy c
2561. soluble a 4283
2562. solvency n 7571, e
2563. somatic a 6693
2564. somberly e
2565. somnambulism c
2566. sonorous c
2567. soothing a 4248, d(7740), g
2568. soothsayer e
2569. sophistry c
2570. soporific c
2571. soppy h
2572. soreness n 7429
2573. sorority n 5415
2574. soundly ad 6967
2575. soy b
2576. sparsely eg
2577. spasmodic b
2578. spat d(7057)
2579. spatula n 6940
2580. speciality n 4577
2581. specificity n 4768, d(6876)
2582. specified d(4342)
2583. spending d(3811)
2584. spendthrift f
2585. spillover g
2586. splat n 7620
2587. splatter h
2588. spoilage g
2589. spokeswoman d(6502)
2590. spontaneously d(7261)
2591. spooky a 4674, b
2592. sporadically g
2593. spotty a 7608
2594. spunky a 7718
2595. squamous a 7706
2596. squire d(7929)
2597. staffer n 7554
2598. staggering a 4426
2599. staid c
2600. standstill g
2601. stanza c
2602. starving d(6929)
2603. state-of-the-art g
2604. statewide a 2236
2605. statistic n 4116, d(3261)
2606. statistically a 3600, d(7083)
2607. status quo b
2608. steed n 5709
2609. steroid e
2610. stethoscope b
2611. stiffly d(7188)
2612. stile n 7115
2613. stilted c
2614. stinking a 7230
2615. stipend n 5722, bceg
2616. stipulation n 6414
2617. stoic cf
2618. stoical b
2619. stolid bc
2620. stooped a 7903
2621. stowaway e
2622. strained a 4921
2623. stratagem bc
2624. strategically a 4830
2625. strategist n 6530
2626. stratosphere e
2627. stratospheric a 7809
2628. streamline g
2629. strikingly d(7965)
2630. stroller n 6467
2631. stubby e
2632. stultify b
2633. stupefy f
2634. stymie (stymy) c
2635. suave a 5818
2636. sub d(5844)
2637. subcontractor n 6509, g
2638. subjectivity n 7241, d(7803)
2639. subjugation b
2640. subliminal f
2641. subsection d(6335)
2642. subservient a 7870
2643. subset n 2668
2644. subsidence g
2645. subsist b
2646. subterfuge bc
2647. subtly ad 6389
2648. suburbia n 7339
2649. successfully a 833, d(2620)
2650. succor c
2651. suitability a 3943
2652. suitably a 5827, d(6122)
2653. sulky b
2654. summation f
2655. summons n 5547, d(5657)
2656. sunder c
2657. superbug e
2658. supercilious b
2659. superlative b
2660. supplemental a 2482
2661. suppleness f
2662. supplication b
2663. supporting d(4912)
2664. surety n 6113
2665. surreal a 5400
2666. surreptitious bc
2667. sustaining a 4198
2668. swanky e
2669. sweaty a 5889
2670. sweepstakes g
2671. swelter c
2672. swiftly d(4412)
2673. swimming d(5227)
2674. swish v 5258
2675. switchboard g
2676. sycophant c
2677. sylvan a 6235
2678. symptomatic a 6490
2679. synchronize v 5430, be
2680. synchronous a 4329, f
2681. synergy n 4370
2682. synonymous a 5485, d(7711)
2683. syntactic d(5623)
2684. syphilis n 6874
2685. syringe n 6377
2686. systematically d(5890)
2687. taciturn bcfh
2688. tacky a 6692
2689. tactile a 6528
2690. tactless e
2691. talking d(5461)
2692. tantamount a 7597, bceh
2693. tapering a 7705
2694. tardiness g
2695. tastefully a 6204
2696. tatter b
2697. tautology bc
2698. taxable d(7791)
2699. taxonomy h
2700. tectonic a 7152
2701. teddy d(6960)
2702. tedium b
2703. teeming a 7324
2704. teeter e
2705. teetotaler b
2706. telecommunication n 3348, d(4239)
2707. temerity bh
2708. template d(7244)
2709. temporize f
2710. tenaciously e
2711. tenacity n 7387
2712. tendon n 6938, h
2713. tensile c
2714. tentatively d(7764)
2715. terms d(3018)
2716. tetrapod c
2717. textual d(7658)
2718. thanks d(3069)
2719. theologian n 7236, d(7690)
2720. theorem d(7907)
2721. therapeutics c
2722. thereof d(7223)
2723. thereupon ad 7189
2724. thespian c
2725. thirdly d(5864)
2726. thorny a 7284
2727. thoughtfully d(5939)
2728. thrall n 7972
2729. thrashing e
2730. threads e
2731. thrice ad 7168
2732. throbbing a 5301
2733. throes c
2734. thy d(5620)
2735. tidbit n 7443
2736. timbre n 7277
2737. timorous bc
2738. tine n 6769
2739. tirade n 7634, bc
2740. tit d(7267)
2741. titanic c
2742. tittle n 7982
2743. titular a 7183
2744. tonsil f
2745. tonsils e
2746. topographic e
2747. topology n 3471
2748. torpid bf
2749. torque d(6634)
2750. torrential g
2751. tort n 3717, c
2752. tortuous a 7765, b
2753. tosh n 7666
2754. touchstone cf
2755. toxicity n 3446
2756. toxin n 5574
2757. tractable a 7704
2758. trade-off e
2759. traditionally d(2644)
2760. traduce c
2761. trained d(5577)
2762. tranquillity n 7010
2763. transcendence n 7452
2764. transcendent a 7049
2765. transcription d(5662)
2766. transgress bc
2767. transgression ef
2768. transmute b
2769. transnational a 4767
2770. transpose e
2771. trapeze n 7902
2772. trappings f
2773. trashy a 7206
2774. traumatic a 4299, b, d(7202), f
2775. travesty bc
2776. trembling a 4757
2777. trend-driven e
2778. trepidation bcef
2779. triad n 4687
2780. tribulation n 6428, bc
2781. tributary f
2782. trifling e
2783. trilogy n 3711, c
2784. trinket n 7537
2785. tripartite a 7167
2786. trivia c
2787. troubled a 2722
2788. trouser d(2525)
2789. truculent c
2790. truism c
2791. truncate c
2792. tubby a 7876
2793. tundra c
2794. turndown b
2795. turnstile g
2796. turpitude ce
2797. turret n 6631
2798. tutelage n 7935
2799. twee a 7971
2800. twinge e
2801. tycoon cf
2802. typographical g
2803. tyro c
2804. ubiquity c
2805. uh d(4960)
2806. ulterior a 7801, bce
2807. um d(5426)
2808. umbilical a 7219
2809. umbrage bh
2810. unabashed be
2811. unaccounted g
2812. unaffected d(6906)
2813. unanimously d(6937), eg
2814. unassuming c
2815. unbeatable a 4926
2816. unbiased g
2817. unbounded a 7080
2818. uncomfortably d(7438)
2819. unconscionable bc
2820. unconsciously d(7805)
2821. undaunted e
2822. underclass e
2823. undergrowth d(7714)
2824. underscore h
2825. undersecretary n 7775
2826. understandably d(6999)
2827. undulate bceh
2828. unduly ad 6376
2829. uneasily d(7713)
2830. unflagging g
2831. unfounded e
2832. ungrateful f
2833. unified d(6038)
2834. uniquely d(6841)
2835. unison b
2836. unitary e
2837. unlawful d(5346)
2838. unload d(6793)
2839. unnerving a 7962
2840. unprocessed e
2841. unrealistic d(6615)
2842. unrelenting e
2843. unresolved d(7936)
2844. unseemly ce
2845. unsullied c
2846. unsurpassed a 4731
2847. untimely a 6665
2848. unto d(7565)
2849. unused d(7002)
2850. unwittingly ad 7218, e
2851. up-market e
2852. upbraid c
2853. upcoming a 881
2854. upkeep n 6593
2855. upscale a 4997
2856. upsurge v 7891
2857. uptake n 5106
2858. uptight a 7851
2859. upturn n 7403
2860. urchin n 7753
2861. urgently d(5507)
2862. urinate v 7703
2863. urination v 7182
2864. usury c
2865. uterus n 5626
2866. vaccination n 4802
2867. vacillate beh
2868. vagrant ef
2869. valediction c
2870. valiantly e
2871. validation n 2328, d(6806)
2872. vampire d(7699)
2873. vapid bh
2874. vaporize e
2875. variability d(7530)
2876. variance n 3010, d(6123)
2877. variegate c
2878. varying d(4670)
2879. vastly d(7027)
2880. vaunted e
2881. vegan n 5901
2882. vegetate fh
2883. veggie n 5817
2884. vehemently e
2885. venal bh
2886. vendetta n 6919, c
2887. venial c
2888. venison n 7482
2889. ventriloquism c
2890. venturesome c
2891. veracity c
2892. verbalize c
2893. verbatim c
2894. verbiage c
2895. verbose bceh
2896. verdant a 7844, bh
2897. verifiable a 6489
2898. verisimilar c
2899. verity c
2900. vernal a 7386
2901. versed a 6544, e
2902. vertebra c
2903. verve n 5857
2904. vestibule n 7976
2905. vet d(4935)
2906. veterinary a 2952
2907. viability n 4113
2908. vial n 5527
2909. vicarious a 7908, bf
2910. vicariously e
2911. viceroy n 7123
2912. vicissitude c
2913. vicissitude(s) b
2914. vigilance n 5744
2915. vigilante n 7097
2916. vigorously a 5039, d(5850)
2917. vilify bcf
2918. vineyard d(6913)
2919. violator g
2920. vipor c
2921. viral d(7717), f
2922. virtuosity n 7901
2923. virtuoso n 6234, bc
2924. virulent a 7312
2925. visceral a 7021
2926. viscosity f
2927. visibly d(7550)
2928. visually d(6662)
2929. vitiate c
2930. vitriol c
2931. vitriolic b
2932. vividly d(7088)
2933. vocab n 7879
2934. vocal cards f
2935. vociferate c
2936. vol. d(4951)
2937. volatility d(7875)
2938. voluntarily ad 3392, d(7045)
2939. voracious be
2940. vortex n 4270
2941. vs. d(3058)
2942. vulnerability d(6817), g
2943. wacky a 4521
2944. waddle e
2945. walk-in g
2946. walkout b
2947. wallow v 7764
2948. wan c
2949. washing d(4887)
2950. wearily d(6978)
2951. wearing a 1176
2952. weasel n 5392
2953. weathering n 6543
2954. wedlock n 7654
2955. weeping a 4958
2956. weighting n 4630
2957. welding g
2958. well-meaning e
2959. whammy n 7752
2960. whatnot n 7252
2961. whereabouts d(6667)
2962. wherewithal c
2963. whilst d(4791)
2964. whimsy n 7518, c
2965. whir e
2966. whisky d(3730)
2967. widget n 4384
2968. wile n 7984
2969. willful a 6170
2970. wily a 7376, c
2971. winnow c
2972. wisely ad 3942, d(7630)
2973. wishful a 6488
2974. wisteria n 7952
2975. wistfully e
2976. witticism bc
2977. wizardry cf
2978. wizened c
2979. wobbly a 7142
2980. woefully a 7276
2981. wonderfully d(6934)
2982. workforce d(4166)
2983. workhorse e
2984. workhouse d(7209)
2985. working d(3042)
2986. workload b, d(6922)
2987. works d(3037)
2988. workstation d(4278)
2989. wow d(7085)
2990. wreak v 7166, e
2991. wrongful a 5532
2992. xing n 6965
2993. yen d(7382)
2994. yummy a 5335
2995. zany c
2996. zillion n 7946
2997. zippy a 7678
2998. zoology n 4730


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