
Park Geun-hye said, "Korean having a DNA with the excellent creativity."
(5/16/2013, 14:22, - The JoongAng Ilbo Newspaper)
In this way, Koreans have a strong "elect principle". It has led to racism against blacks and Japanese.
They lie without feeling ashamed In order to despise Japan.

[ⓒ 中央日報/中央日報日本語版]

I get the point! At first, you guys apologize against Vietnam, Japan and Korea! You think evil that soldiers used the comfort stations, aren't you? Then, American apologize at first.

The U.S. military was using the comfort station during the Vietnam war. After the Japan occupation, the United States was also used comfort stations of Japan. They use the comfort stations in Korea during the Korean War.

Of course, you never say you won't apologize, do you?

Hashimoto denied the comfort women system. However, you guys blast "Kill the JAP! Rape the JAP!". You guys shame the "human rights violations" remark! It's you that is to blame !

Hashimoto said "It is not possible to justify the comfort women system". But no newspaper report the testimony. Is this propaganda? Or agitation?

It's American good technique that to condemn the another without anything phisical evidence.

When in WWII , Korean were "JAPANESE". Why Korea don't condemn like the Netherlands ? Netherlands in accordance with the Nazis did apology and compensation. South Korean soldiers were also using the comfort station. But they never apologized and compensated. WHY ????

American have no right to condemn against Japan. "GI baby", "RAA", "Fifth supplies (제5종 보급품,第5種補給品)". Americans condemn others while being a criminal? Search more what American did!

When the Japanese army to recruit comfort women, there is no riot in Korea. This proves that the girls became comfort women free will.

In this way, the Korean government doing the "racism education to blame Japan" every day.


When the Korean War, there were comfort stations for the United Nations forces in Korea. When the Vietnam War, there were comfort stations for the Korean army and the U.S. military in Pattaya of Thailand.


Immediately after the United States occupied Japan, rape occur frequently in Japan, half-breed called "GI baby" was born more than 7,000. During the Vietnam War, the Korean military rape occurs frequently, half-breed called "Raitaihan" in Vietnam was born tens of thousands of people.
As a result, the Japanese government was forced to establish a comfort station for the U.S. military.
However, the problem does not exist half-breed between Japan and Korea. On the contrary, for the military comfort women was idol. Take over the debt of comfort women, many Japanese soldiers were married her.

Simply because there was a comfort station, we were able to prevent the problem is more cruel such "Raitaihan" or "GI Baby".

It is necessary to regret certainly for comfort women. However, it is not just a Japanese problem. America and South Korea, it's challenges a lot of victorious countries must regret.

"What is he claimed to have been the cruelty to the Japanese army, only the country militarism" in it is the truth. For the maintenance of the regime, militarism country needs a "common enemy of the people."


After the Chinese government killed "30 million people" in the Cultural Revolution, , They begin to claim "The Japanese army killed 35 million people". IS IT COINCIDENCE ? "Look ! Japanese army killed more !"

From Susan Brownmiller, Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape, Ballantine Books, 1993

By 1966, official military brothels had been established within each division’s camp. Each one was a two-building “recreation area” where 60 Vietnamese women lived and worked. The prostitutes decorated their cubicles with nude photographs from Playboy magazine and had silicone injected into their breasts to make the American soldiers feel more at home.<ref>{{Cite book |author=Susan Brownmiller|year=1993 |title=Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape |publisher=New York: Ballantine Books |isbn=0-449-90820-8 }}</ref>

During World War II, Korea was "Japan". Why South Korea pretend to be victorious country? During World War II, Japan and South Korea have not even once the war. If it is responsible for Japan, the Korean people that had Japanese nationality at the time are also responsible.


I apologize to Korea as a Japanese.

During the occupation of Korea, Japan abolished the medical of "coprophagy", and Japan built a medical facility in Korea. Therefore, the life of Koreans is 1.5 times, the population had increased by a factor of 2. I'm terribly sorry.

Japan built 5200 primary schools and 1000 Colleges and Universities in Korea. As a result, Japan teach Hangul, Japan increased the literacy rate of the Korean people from 4% to 61%. I'm terribly sorry.

Japan will develop a water supply and sanitation in South Korea were covered with sewage, Japan was instructed to bathe in Korean. Japan destroy the "culture that does not clean the body" of South Korea, I'm terribly sorry.

Korea was a barter society. However, Japan introduced the monetary system to South Korea. I'm terribly sorry.

Japan gave pain beyond compare and the Jews. I'm terribly sorry.



I apologize that it will not be enough.
Japan invested to South Korea 25% of the national budget, Japan was stretched 60 times the Korean railway. Japan planting 600 million trees on bald mountain in South Korea, Japan hurt nature. Japan made ​​a harbor warships can dwell. I'm terribly sorry.





 ★ 朝鮮半島の人口が2倍に増えて24歳だった平均寿命が30年以上伸ぱされて
 ★ 人口の30%を占めていた奴隷が解放されて
 ★ 幼児売春や幼児売買が禁止されて
 ★ 家畜扱いだった朝鮮女性に名前がつけられるようになって
 ★ 忘れられていたハングル文字が整備され、標準朝鮮語が定められ
 ★ 朝鮮語教育のための教科書、教材が大量に作成され、持ち込まれて
 ★ 5200校以上の小学校がつくられて
 ★ 師範学校や高等学校があわせて1000校以上つくられて
 ★ 239万人が就学して、識字率が4%から61%に上がって
 ★ 大学がつくられて、病院がつくられて
 ★ カルト呪術医療が禁止されて
 ★ 上下水道が整備されて
 ★ 泥水すすって下水垂れ流しの生活ができなくなって
 ★ 日本人はずっと徴兵されていて戦場で大量に死んだのに
 ★ 朝鮮人は終戦間際の1年しか徴兵されず、内地の勤労動員だけでだけで済まされていて
 ★ 志願兵の朝鮮人が死亡したら、日本人と同じく英霊として祀られてしまって
 ★ 100キロだった鉄道が6000キロも引かれて
 ★ どこでも港がつくられて、どこまでも電機が引かれて
 ★ 会社がつくられるようになって、物々交換から貨幣経済に転換して
 ★ 二階建て以上の家屋がつくられるようになって
 ★ 入浴するよう指導され
 ★ 秀げ山に6億本もの樹木が植林され、ため池がつくられて、今あるため池の半分もいまだに日本製で
 ★ 道路や川や橋が整備され耕作地を2倍にされ近代的な農業を教えられたせいで、1反当リの収穫量が3倍になってしまって
 ★ 風習とはいえ、乳を出したリして生活するのがとても恥ずかしくなってしまった。


why don't Jew get angry against Koreans that claim "We are the same as the Jews ! " ?

"Nazi crimes is a crime of the Nazis, not the crime of the Germans," German says. "Nazi crimes" became all the statute of limitation other than murder. Korean ignores the fact and attacking modern Japanese. "Oppress the Japanese as the Jews" Korea is just the "modern Nazi". I never allow Japanese discrimination by Korean.

Most of the retired military who participated in the Korean War were used the army conscripted comfort stations. Aren't you ashamed?


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最終更新:2013年05月16日 17:41