
登録日:2011/04/11 Mon 01:43:49
更新日:2022/08/25 Thu 17:10:49
所要時間:約 3 分で読めます

"日本語でおk"(Nihongo de ok). This phrase is useful when you have no idea what someone speaks.

Frankly speaking,this means "Please speak in Japanese." .

Surprisingly, this phrase is used by many people who are talking about what is spoken in Japanese.
More or less,their mind believe.

[In Japanese] despite being told the
  • Not quite enough explanation
  • Subject and predicate is missing
  • Difficult to understand the context
  • Each word is understood, does not make sense talking
Includes other elements, because they do not exist as a result of Japanese decent.

In other words,"Do you …… to unite the habit of talking to Japanese and Japanese content www"
That it is much strong implication that contains offensive.

This "me restate clearly" in the sense that it is impossible to capture a moment.
Japanese are willing to say that in "normal speak" in Japanese can say that is a shocking easily.

Naturally the first appearance 2ch.
Of course, the Internet bulletin board where the primary use.
It is out of the question be used in everyday life, such as.

I want to imagine.

While enjoying a normal conversation with people you suddenly "I'm sorry, could you talk in Japanese?"
If I had to do what you think.

Fled the scene too much shock and embarrassment, perhaps going to be killed by pressing a voice crying in my bed ran into the house.

Because you were angry, he will cave the face in by your fist.

Anyway, it was said that should not lightly.
Please observe the correct use of dosage.

Note that this sentence was translated by google and teachers of English in the main stand for the tsukkomi amissing it at all.







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 H|( ̄ヾ|/ ̄)
 ヒ/  ̄‾ | ̄|
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 /\ 丶二ソ/
 ̄  `ー-イ\








+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • 日本語でおk
  • ネット用語
  • 日本語
  • 定型句
  • In_Japanese_please
  • ウルトラマン
  • ここではリントの言葉で話せ
  • 殺せ、ロシア人だ
  • ジュジュワジュワジュワジュジュワ?
  • 日本語で桶

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最終更新:2022年08月25日 17:10