Shadhadhat Sir

Alu the Dustbin@ALUPEDIA内検索 / 「Shadhadhat Sir」で検索した結果

検索 :
  • Teachers
    ... Miss Shadhadhat Sir Witch Miss
  • Haba
    Haba is one of Alu s friend. What kind of person is he? He is a haba.Thats all. His attacks Super Hayban=Becomes Super Hayban.His hair spikes,becomes yellow,and he becomes strong.Only for eleven seconds.
  • Alu the Dustbin
    He is the main character of this comic. He has amazing fart power.His fart can destroy a building. How did he became a dustbin hero (or zero) One day,he was beaten up by some bad boys as always.Then he prayed GOD for making him a hero.Then GOD gave him a power to fly by using his fart nd also HE gave Alu a cloth of Super Hero(but it was small for Alu and he didn t or can t close the chane). ...
  • Mubin
    Mubin is one of Alu s friends. He always teases Alu. What kind of person is he? He sometimes become maccho man,sometimes becomes one with Sena,and do many things that normal people can t do. He comes where Alu go and tease him or trick him.He is a normal human. His attacks out=He becomes invisible.But he can be seen if we light him up with torch light. 2.yes yes yes=Becomes macc...
  • Top Page
    Welcome to Alu the Dustbin@ALUPEDIA!! At first Alu the Dustbinis a comic made by Sena and Mubin. Contents Alu s friends
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  • @wiki全体から「Shadhadhat Sir」で調べる

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